Thursday, 30 September 2021

something vanished


His face frowned as he was looking for his bag.

His body trembled, he was worried he wouldn't find it in time.

He grumbled as if the earth shook.

We were learning about show don´t tell show don´t tell is when it describes a persons face body voice

I found it easy to write

I found it hard to come up with words

I really enjoyed coming up with words though

Next time I need to write better

Friday, 10 September 2021

Movie making

This week we have been learning about making movies using we Video. we made cool videos and we learned new camera angles like close up shot and heaps of others.

We were learning about movie making

I found it easy to get all the angles right

I found it hard to get all of the acting right

I really enjoyed doing some of the editing

Next time I need to do the acting better

Thursday, 8 July 2021

my digital day


We are learning about how we advertise ourselves online.

We talked about only posting things online that keep us safe.

We learned how tagging photos and posts make it easier to find out about someone, so we need to be careful about our posts content.

First I went to my history and copied every thing that I did and put the icons on my digital day.

I put the icons in order to so I can understand it.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


The task was to right my unknown word

It was hard to right all of the words

It was easy to find the words

I am leaning about my unknown words  


my Fairy Tail of the 3 little pigs

 One day there was 3 little pigs 1 went to pick up some straw and the other brother made a stick house and the other brother made a brick house the pig with the straw house he made the house and then he went in to his house and then the big bad wolf kame and he was feeling like having some pork chop and he went to the little pigs house and said little pig little pig let me in no then I will half and puff and blow your house down and then the little pig ran away and the little pig went to his brother's house and the big bad wolf said then I will half and puff and blow the house down and then the 2 little pigs went to there big brother´s house made out of brick The big brother Put on some soup and the big bad wolf said little pig little pig let me in NO said the little pig then I will half and puff and he couldn't blow the house down so the big bad wolf made a pig he went in the chimney and fell into the soup and then he got Cooked and the they lived happily ever after. 

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

making puddles


                                 I am learning about water cycles and how it works here is my work.

                                 it was hard to make the water  drop's
                                 it was easy to right the words

Friday, 7 May 2021

Smart Footprint: Public vs Private Info


                                                     Smart Footprint: Public vs Private Info

We are learning about our 

digital footprint.

We talked about  private and public information.

I learned to not share my full name.

I already knew to not share my phone number.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Blake NZ-VZ


last term Blake NZ visited. we learned about marine reserves.
How we were able to use VR sets to explore the oceans.

We were learning about Blake NZ-VR

I found it easy to find information.

I found it hard to write the information

I really enjoyed making the slide show

Next time I need to help with writing the information

Holiday Recount

 On the holidays me and my family went to Extreme world to spend time with my brother Dj and my Nan. 

Me and my brother went to play some games. There were some awesome games but the zombie game and the VR game and laser tag game were extreme.   

Next me and my brother went to laser tag. My gun wasn't working so the lady helped me and my gun was going Berserk and it was working. But then I lost and my brother won. Only because my gun wasn't working and he was shooting me when my gun wasn't working and that is how he got a better high score than me but it was extreme.

I had an awesome time. I hope I go again. It was Cool  how the Lights in the laser tag were like glue and how it  felt  like I was actually falling off a building in vr.  

Friday, 5 March 2021

narrative: mother horse

WALT write a narratives using adjectives.

One day mother horse took her ponies to the dark forest to look for berries. Mother horse saw a ferocious big tiger and she ran away from her ponies.

Mother horse started limping, her leg looked sore.

The tiger saw the horse but did not see the ponies.

The tiger ran after the mother horse.

Mother horse's leg was not sore, so she kicked the tiger and galloped away back to her ponies.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

this is my pepeha

Ko Mamari tōku waka

Ko  Putahi tōku maunga

Ko  Waiorooro tōku awa 

Ko  Kohewhata tōku marae

Ko Ngati Whakaeke tōku hapu

Ko tōku Iwi 

Ko Carla tōku Mama

Ko Dee toku karani ma

Ko Zion ahau 

Mother Horse

 WALT write a narrative using adjectives.

One day mother horse took her ponies to the Dark forest to look for berries. Mother horse saw a ferocious, big tiger and she ran away from her ponies.

Mother horse started limping, her leg looked sore.

The tiger saw the horse but did not see the ponies.

The tiger ran after the mother horse.

Mother horses leg was not sore so she kicked the tiger and galloped away back to her ponies.

We are learning about narratives.

I found it easy to write a narrative because I remembered to use the orientation and include my characters and setting. 

I found it hard to think about writing my own narrative.

I really enjoyed accomplishing my work and challenging myself.

Next time I need to think of better adjectives and adverbs for my writing.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

group author

We were learning about our group author. My group is Donaldson. Here is what I learned.

How old is she? 72 years old

Where does she live? England 

Was Julia always a Author? no

Did Julia Donaldson have children? yes

How many books has she written? 32

How much kids did Julia Donaldson? have 2

How old is Julia Donaldson son? 25

When is Julia Donaldson's birthday? 6 September 1948

Where did Julia Donaldson get born?  London

How rich is she? Pretty rich 



Monday, 22 February 2021

Digital pepeha

We were learning about our pepeha so we created a Digital pepeha to show what we have learned.

I found it easy to do my to put the information.

I found it hard to do the marae because it was tricky to make the right shapes to build it.

I really enjoyed creating the digital pepeha because I liked using the online voice recorder.

Next time I could add more detail to my labels.